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New Book, Prunes and Prisms

I just signed my half of a new book contract with Lavender Ink . They are publishing the book Prunes and Prisms/Prugne and Primi that I have collaboratively written with Serena Piccoli. We started working on this collaboratively written project during the COVID shutdown, and this book represents the first part of the project. It's a dual language English and Italian book. The Italian literary critic Giorgia Monti says of it, "Stratifications, changes of plan and deviations of meaning are also found on a semantic level in the precipitation from one word to another, from one line to another that Piccoli and Allegrezza shrewdly compose." Here's an excerpt from one of the poems in both English and Italian. I work to unhinge language from violence knitting 6 atoms up and down simultaneously while singing songs of Innocence and of Experience under a bridge where I mutter memories in a mischievous mussel and crack the shell in patterns for good. The acou

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