Poetry Prompt of the Day, 2

Write a Berrigan sonnet with extra spacing inside the lines and include the following words: frozen, earth, anodyne, yearn.

**Note, I use the term Berrigan sonnet to denote contemporary sonnets, which some call American sonnets after Coleman. The basic rule is 14 lines, boxy shape, no rhyme necessary, a volta.


B said…
The yearning settled among the hands
as they walked frozen earth trying to
believe that the voyage was over after
long months at sea. Their anodyne tales
rolled out as though nothing was left
of close discussions held among ice cliffs
or tree ferns. Anyone who counted
stopped, for the days ashore lengthened;
still, for once, they could enjoy their
families and make plans beyond the
moment knowing that they would not
instantly descend into dark waters
with the strong breeze ever to make them
one of the forgotten in their own time.

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