10 Personal Things

1. My name is not Marcus Aurelius, though I have read his words, ranted about his dreams, and held court in Italy.
2. Licorice and coffee--both have been found to have good attributes in small doses.
3. I do not believe in putting three steps between myself and another person.
4. The last four movies that I saw are Eraserhead; Paris, Texas; The Best of Youth; and Lost Highway.
5. If I repeat myself, that means I love you.
6. I remember watching lightning hit a house in the Mississippi Delta when I was a child.
7. My middle name is James, but it could have just as easily have been Horus or Alcaeus.
8. Two cats are watching me as I type.
9. My shelves are filled with books about remaking politics.
10. Dancing on the bow of a ship in cold wind is not fun.


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