More Writing Suggestions

1. Put on a blue jogging suit and jog twenty circles around the White House. When the Secret Service officers come to stop you, pretend you are evading them by running zig zag patterns. As the bullets fly over your head, write a poem about political freedom.
2. (Via Whitman) Strip next to a stream, sit in the water under a tree's branches, and write nature poems. (This is best performed as a workshop exercise!)
3. Using spray paint, write a poem on the side of a brick building. Purchase some explosives and blow up the wall that contains your poem. Take a marker or Sharpee and write poems on the brick rubble.
4. Dive below the dark waters of the Acheron, emerge still smiling, and write haikus about lilac bushes.
5. While cramming your overly large buttocks into a tiny pair of jeans, contemplate what Williams would say if he met Billy Collins. Once you give up (on either task), write a poem.
6. Write sound poems on toilet paper from public park bathrooms. You should try to write the poems while still in the bathroom, but if not possible, writing them in a public library with the roll in front of you is an acceptable alternative.


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