i'm back but swamped with editorial duties. with ray bianchi, i'm working on an anthology of chicago poetry--the project started with an attempt to celebrate the chicago prairie renaissance, but it has expanded beyond the prairie renaisance writers (if that term makes sense). beyond that i'm working on books/e-books for moria and the next issue of the e-zine. all good stuff but much of it busy work.

i'm also not writing at my usual pace, and that always makes me feel as though i am not doing exactly what i'm supposed to do. (i'm feeling a little like a flagellant here. where's my whip? damn you, clement vi!)

farther still at an unearthly height, bunnies are dancing around in my head, dropping pink ribbons laced with messages--leave your home or you will die.

which reminds me that i noticed on my ticker below a link for the impeach bush coalition. when i clicked on it, i noticed that i'm linked to it. i'm all for it and will even help carry him desk and all out of office, but i don't quite know how this blog was chosen. it makes me feel as if i should rant a little more here, and with all the crap that the u.s. government is shoveling, i could go on ranting for years. i'm getting pissed off just thinking about it. any poets up for the revolution?


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