Locust St. is one of my favorite mp3 blogs. I especially like the topic today because it is about sailing. Some of you might know that for the past few years I have crewed on a racing sailboat, spending much of my summers on the water. This year I'm injured, so I have not even been out on the water. Every day I walk down to the shores of Lake Michigan and look out at the waves, bemoaning my landlocked state. The Lake has been such a presence in my life since I moved to Chicago in 2000. I was even married by its shores. So the post today was much appreciated, especially since I'm finally going to sail on Saturday--I'm not allowed to do anything except ride because of my injury, but I'm still excited about being on the water powered by only the wind.

With all the sailing I've done, you'd think that I would include more water images in my work, but I do not. They are waiting on the shelves of my unconscious mind, waiting for the spark that will start the storm.


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