The Daily Glance

Ellen Baxt's Analfabeto/An Alphabet is a book with roots in the U.S. and Brazil. In fact, it reads like the daily experience of an American in Brazil trying to negotiate different customs and sharing cultural differences with local people. Relationships forming, sexuality being explored, and typical Brazilian life work into the poems. Some Portuguese drifts in as well, from the untranslatable saudade to counting um dois tres. I like how she explains cultural translation along with trying to translate actual words.
On Rua General Gois Monteiro, I don't want to look at the dead
bird on the sidewalk but I do anyway. I couldn't explain the
difference between Look at and See, so I said they were the same.
How can you ovulate on the right and shed on the left?
Ultimately, I don't know if I like this book for transcribing her life in transition between cultures or because I am fascinated by Brazil (and think we should be having more poetic mixing with the Brazilians).


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