The Publication Corner
I often get asked about how to publish poetry. Here are some suggestions.
1. Find out the home address of an editor. Go to the editor’s house every morning for a week, ring the doorbell, and read a poem once the door opens. When finished reading the poem, just walk away. At the end of the week, hand the person who answers the door your handwritten poems with a note saying to publish your work.
2. A variation. Instead of reading the poems, sing them below the editor’s window each night.
3. Send the same batch of poems to every address/e-mail address in The Poet’s Parkét with a note that only states, “Publish these.”
4. Take out an add in The Writer’s Monocle and Poetree with a picture of you and the caption, “Publish my work.” Do not put contact information. Let them come looking for you!
5. Bring copies of your work to an artsy bar and hand it out along with a shot to every patron. (With so many poets, you never know who is a poet.)
6. Pay a bulk mailing company to send copies of your work to every resident in artsy small towns.