The Daily Glance
Elisabeth Workman and Erik Brandt's
Opolis is a collaborative chapbook of images and prose poems. The images are all colored in a light green and are of buildings, cityscapes, and signs. The prose poems try for spontaneous writing, so they are quick and jump around a bit and include things from sexual desires to musings on the big picture. On the whole, the poems seem filled with a city sensibility, and I suppose that is how they connect to the images because no other obvious connection seems to exist between the pictures on one side the page and the poems on the other. Overall, I enjoyed the hazy quality of the pictures in green in contrast to the speed that one can get through the prose poem, and I'd like to see more collaborative project between artists mixing media.
Glued to this plot for centuries, we're each encrusted with our own winks and nodding off to sleep to elegies in an elevator that only goes down--that was your suspicion, was it not?
