i "first" read melville's Moby Dick in a tennis shack in texas. i had read a rewritten child's version early in life and had seen the the old movie version myriad times (it was one of a handful of beta movies we owned, so i watched it over and over). but i did not read it until texas, and reading it was like receiving a revelation from some divinity.
watching the tennis shack was part of my job, but hardly anyone came out to play during mid-day texas heat, so i had my work hours to read. i remember pip falling over to face "god." i remember ishmael alone in the crow's nest.
i have read it since as a teacher, but it does not have the same draw when i know that i have to explain it to students. as with many works that are great, i just want to point to them and say "look."
watching the tennis shack was part of my job, but hardly anyone came out to play during mid-day texas heat, so i had my work hours to read. i remember pip falling over to face "god." i remember ishmael alone in the crow's nest.
i have read it since as a teacher, but it does not have the same draw when i know that i have to explain it to students. as with many works that are great, i just want to point to them and say "look."