adorno states that the lyric has an individuating function, as if the lyric functions to retain the individual in a society that devalues the individual. i seem to remember heidegger saying something similar about literature (or maybe it was art). this idea is interesting, but i get the sense that ungaretti is closer with the sentiment he expresses in one of his poems: "una parola / scavata รจ nella mia vita / come un abisso." i too feel that words in poetry are one by one pulled from an abyss. to clarify, i do not mean that the abyss is empty; rather, the abyss is swarming with everything there is. thus, the action of entering into the abyss is an act that is both frightening and peaceful. perhaps when one pulls a word from the mass of swarming things, it is like eliot's still moment. the results of that moment allow others to have a break in the flow, which might mean that adorno is correct after all.

all of this reminds me of montale's "Forse un mattino andando" ("Perhaps One Morning Walking"). if you haven't read it, you should go get a copy.


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