how does one encourage one's own randomness? can there be any such a thing? when i find that i am at my most random, i can still find pattern words or images in what i am creating. i suppose that the patterns might seem more or less random to others, like when one enters into a language constellation that one is not familiar with. barthes discusses entering into a writer's discourse. i suppose that if i could fully enter into the discourse of my poems, i could understand some secret pattern that lies behind everything that i do. perhaps i'm creating my own torah. i should examine my own work on a number-connected-to-language system. let z be 4 and h be 8. once i work out the language, i'll discover i've written "9345 86 5567, 689 3324 546 786." examine that and you will find the microcosmic universe of bill.

5535 773 9152
1151 2


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