Just randomly leafing through Mark Young's The right foot of the giant (A Bumper Book, New Zealand). His work reminds me of the work of many poets. He takes on many voices, but the most powerful one seems to me to be the most recurrent--it's like a mix of Levertov and jazz, with her delicate eye for images but with a more mellow feel. Her works seems charged with discovery, whereas Young's work is accepting of whatever is. Maybe Young is a less environmentally focused Gary Synder?
Otherwise, my desk is clear to give way to Akhmatova's work, work which moves me beyond other poets' work. I feel both depressed and hopeful when reading her work. The events in Russia during her time were horrific, but that she wrote about them is inspiring.
Otherwise, my desk is clear to give way to Akhmatova's work, work which moves me beyond other poets' work. I feel both depressed and hopeful when reading her work. The events in Russia during her time were horrific, but that she wrote about them is inspiring.