as though trees from a side street
covered with snow and cars at end
visions of candy and tax men
gathered for drinks as meteors fall
through gases that were once
a planet that we believe rests
before us as when one opens
a door and finds a sidewalk ready
for carriages as some initiation rite
left from hillsides where families
have reigned for centuries as modern ugolinos
buy bread or coffee and then
stop to chunk history into the sea
as ashes intended for whales
i shall be the whale in its large
stretch contaminating seasons
like oceanos reformed of methane clouds
and restfully back at a dock where
a young comedian chuckles
as his own joke goes stale among
empty tables just beside a
music room full of people dancing
drinking buying a moment of
forgetfulness as the sickle rapidly
swings pendulum-like in dark air.


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