the erinyes and i speak. for years near, tonight they sit by my side. i ask of them,
τί μου δρασαι βεβούλευσαι πέρι; they do not answer me, but i feel them pulling
my mind into action. their words from earth gathered are separate.
i grow silent
struggle a little then
try to distinguish a single voice from
the wind brushing past,
though i have only bones on a table
and visions of history repeating.
when i speak,
angry fragments come forth:
responsible? arcane distribution! fucking shit!

in double i think without strategy
throwing notes among
the shades gathering.
they whisper--now one,
now the other, now alecto poking at my side.
when your eyes tire of the pools before your feet, the red growing dark, do you avert your gaze? not i, for i watch as the lights rip a scene in gray space, watch as the hand reaches back
and springs forward.

i had thought time a friend,
but now i know that the earth remembers
and works as in all to
complete creation and destruction.


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