This e-mail was received from Marco Standid

>I'd like to claim that I have nothing to do with this web blog.
>Someone using my name wrote you recently about wanting
>to see what you'd done with something that a person named
>Weiss wrote. I do not know any Weiss, nor am I a fan of
>poetry. I haven't read poetry since Mrs. Pewter's class in
>high school—I hated it even then. I'm not sure who has
>been using my name, but I would like him or her to cease.

From me

Muriel Rukeyser once wrote about how many people do not like poetry because they are afraid of it. They are taught it is a difficult thing that one must figure out, so they stop trying. I'm sorry for you Marco.

If any of you who are reading this would like to try to change Marco's mind or tell him how to track down the person who has stolen his e-mail address, you can e-mail him at If he reminds you of someone you don't like, here's his MC number: 1151172955355804, ex. 10/04. Have fun!


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