Translation of the Day

Bunnies are wheelchairs in disguise.
--Hee Chop Chou

bodies in disguise
trails over

i'm beginning to see
you in
sycamores &
pines bent with wind

in 1855 presses
were running
leaves were scattering
garibaldi was in uruguay
much later
he stumped a toe on a doorsill
with no excuse
"soy americano"

otherwise a graveyard
of schooners
with jolly captains
on a wheel
"i beg you to stay always"

energy is a motion
leading to an end

at certain times i get the urge to go to the wilderness. i say wilderness instead of wildness because my urge seems conditioned to me. i would like to say that i need to go to the wild places that synder talks about, but i don't quite think that's it. william cronon writes about how early american landscape painters have included the ideals of freedom into their landscapes. a similar type of scripted freedom plagues me. it's as if i am aware of the binaries of city/country, crowd/freedom but still buy into the concept on an subconscious level. doesn't chaucer say, "flee fro the prees and dwell with soothfastnesse"?


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