The Daily Glance

Ivan Arguelles' What Are Probably My Memories is a fascinating book that presents the self or what can assumed to be a constructed self in an almost stream fashion with all of the contradictions and questions of present. It's also written as one long poem that just seems to stretch out on the electronic page as a cultured brain in thought.
when, the right size of ink the shape of an ethereal,
hollowed insides of the book about legends, the
mythographer blinded in either eye by beauty’s ephemeral
gloss, hod carriers and shun the right thing, to pretend
to be other, while looking straight at “her” knowing the
train is headed for the same destination, hod carriers
ponder, each window becomes a luminous planet rushing
toward destruction, speeding thoughts an end to the
ticket, bearing no known to a previous resemblance, and
sing song shifts her skirts into tight abyss, I am
alone, then, register yellow on the frame, hello hello,
thought the phone was off the hook
The conversation here appears to be less with the reader than within the poet, and we are just privileged to listen in (is this Mill's overheard voice in a piece that constructs/deconstructs self?). I've liked Arguelles' work since I published it in Moria back in 1999, and this book just cements my notion that he's an important poet.


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