The Daily Glance

Peter Ganick's News on Skis displays a range of innovative poetry in three primary sections. The first section contains shorter poems that look like traditional poems but read like experiments in sound and syntax. One of the fascinating things about these pieces for me is that they contain occasional capitalized words, and these words looked at without the rest of the poem seem to create poems on their own, so the reading experience which is already complicated by the experiments in sound grow even more complicated with a series of poems inside a series of poems. The second section contain shaped poems, but the meaning experiment continues.

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In the book, this piece is in the shape of a half pyramid. The last section is a significant change because Ganick uses ellipses, and they create quite a different sound from the first two sections. It is also the shortest section and is titled "Epilogue." Overall, Ganick challenges our interpretative skills and ideas of what poetry is. He also pushes poetry to its limits in a way that shows the rest of us avenues of experimentation.


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