The Daily Glance

CAConrad's Deviant Propulsion is a blast. It's Philadelphia shown to you as only the he can show it, full of sex (in cabs, dinners--with the city itself), commentary, love, and poetry all thrown at you with full energy.
There are thousands of Americans everyday
who are looking for a safe place to invest
their money. Poets are the best source for
removing negative charge from your wealth,
and raising the collective conscience of the
Really, this collection seems like one giant ode to Philly, with occasional side trips to places like San Francisco that still seem viewed through Philly eyes. Perhaps, though, I've grown to see the city through CAConrad (and Frank Sherlock) so much so that when I think of it, I'm thinking of a poetic myth, one that I have for few other cities. I suppose that shows how strong a pull Conrad has in his works.


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