The Daily Glance

Difficult Beauty is a selected bilingual book of work by Luis Alberto Ambroggio edited by Yvetter Neisser Moreno. Not knowing this Argentine poet's work before now, I find the book useful as an introduction to his work, though I admit that I wish the actual introduction to the book said a little more about his life. Still, the poetry speaks for itself with an easy grace aware of its fragility.
The economy of forgetting is always startling!

A tiny grain of sand
in the eternal murmur of the ocean.

A single shout.

¡Asombrosa siempre la economía del olvido!

Un grano mínimo de arena
en el eterno murmullo del océano.

Un solo grito
He is talking about how very few poets remain in time, so that perhaps only one will remain for our time, but his choice of language here tells what he thinks the poet does. Our task is to shout/cry/scream our presence in the forgetting space which is the universe. Though he quotes Huidobro several times, I sense the influence of Neruda in his work, especially in his poetics.**

**This book stresses our global nature. Here we have a Argentine poet who lives in the U.S. and whose book was published in translation in Bulgaria.


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