The Daily Glance

Fanny Howe's What Did I Do Wrong? is a book of fiction. These glances are intended for books of poetry, but I'm making an exception for this book becuase Fanny Howe is also a poet and the book was published by Flood Editions**. The book chronicles the life of a dog who has had to put up with the cruelty of humans from the pound to dog fighting. He has lost his sense of being a dog in an environment that is now a construction of humans. He's on a spirital quest and encounters other dogs and a few humans who help. Ultimately, he wants freedom. The book both comments on human cruelty to animals and on how we have lost touch with ourselves. We are like the dog who can no longer see outside of the constructions. We have to discover, like the dog, what true freedom is. The book is compelling, poetic, and well-written.

**I'm also making an exception because I'm a vegetarian.


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