The Daily Glance
I fall asleep for two hours
and inevitably wake, fully rested, at midnight.
In the event I become my mother
rather than father I’ll need rubber gloves.
Hang on I want to add that to my list for tomorrow.
And my dream of Spider Girl—siren? sister?
William Stobb's Pointless Channel is a brief chapbook that mostly focuses on daily activities, from going downtown to running to drinking wine. The only poem that departs from this theme is the first poem; still, it's easy to see how it connects with the rest of the poems. The poems follow the crooked logic of someone in the process of thinking and trying to write down thought as it happens--or perhaps he is intentionally trying to meander.
and inevitably wake, fully rested, at midnight.
In the event I become my mother
rather than father I’ll need rubber gloves.
Hang on I want to add that to my list for tomorrow.
And my dream of Spider Girl—siren? sister?
Stobb shows a process of thought that jumps around quite a bit, but the jumping is connected so that we don't feel jarred as often happens with paratactic techniques. In this chapbook, it feels like we are overhearing a quirky but interesting person think.