The Daily Glance
mIEKAL aND and Liaizon Wakest's Logokons was completed back in the early 1990s and then reprinted in 2006. It is a visual book with words. The visuals look like, and I don't know how else to describe them, Atari graphics mixed with Native American iconography. Below each graphic is a word or words. For example, some overlapping squares and lines have the word "co-habitat" written below them, and another piece which looks like a maze with loose ends has the word "decentralized network" written below it. The bitmap technology used to produce these pieces seems dated, but the idea behind them is interesting. Is the single word the poem that comments on the image? Is the entire piece a poem composed of two symbol systems, one English and one bitmap? Or is the bitmap image the poem and the words just the translation of a symbol system that we are only partially familiar with? I'm not sure, but the project definitely seems to exist in a world of poetry that contains more symbols than the language it is written in, as if to suggest that language itself does not entirely control what we want to say and that if one wants to express what one cannot say easily in one's language, that there are alternatives to using another set language.